HashiCorp Webinar – Delivering Terraform Enterprise On-prem (Recording)

Grant Miller
Oct 2, 2019

In the Fall of 2019, Replicated CEO, Grant Miller, sat down with Evan Phoenix, a lead engineer at HashiCorp, to discuss how they deliver Terraform Enterprise with Replicated.

During this webinar, you’ll get overviews of both Replicated and Terraform, followed by a detailed screenshare of how HashiCorp leverages the core Replicated Vendor features to deliver Terraform Enterprise to hundreds of organizations.

Content timeline and quicklinks

Watch the whole webinar or jump to sections that you’re interested in.


01:00 – Overview of Replicated & modern on-prem.
06:15 – Overview of Terraform & Terraform Enterprise (TF:E) core functionality.
10:15 – Strategy for why Terraform Enterprise delivers “on-prem”, brief history on DIY version of TF:E, why they decided to evaluate Replicated to replace the internally built solution.
18:40 – Overview of the Replicated Vendor Portal.

Releases, testing and build pipelines

20:15 – A view into HashiCorp’s Replicated account, adoption rates, airgap discussion, discussion of release channels, the SDLC for TF:E, release cadence, update promotion.
26:15 – The first CI system integration that HashiCorp uses to push releases to Replicated via the CLI and API.
31:10 – Testing feature branches with CircleCI Enterprise (automatically create specific channels and licenses which are used in automated testing) and do automated smoke testing.
37:43 – Using multiple Replicated Apps (prod & dev) for testing and RBAC.

License management

38:00 – License management overview
38:50 – How HashiCorp uses Replicated RBAC to securely enable their sales team to provision licenses and entitlements for customers.
42:20 – Managing individual customer licenses and entitlements (expiration, air gap enabled, seats etc).
45:50 – Creating a custom entitlement via license fields.
47:00 – Audit log of the license activity (creation, changes etc).
47:40 – License activity reporting (installs, updates).

Troubleshoot & support tools

49:00 – Troubleshoot overview, support workflows.
51:00 – Analyzers & custom analyzers.
52:00 – Support bundle viewer deep linking.

End-customer on-prem install experience

59:00 – End user experience of installing Terraform Enterprise.
59:30 – Install script via a proxied vanity url w/ common options.
1:03:00 – On-prem admin experience (custom CSS), multi-channel licenses.
1:04:55 – Preflight checks (i.e. make sure the instance can download from terraform.io).
1:05:35 – Viewer question about disconnected (air gap) installs.
1:09:15 – Config screen, select your install type demo or prod.
1:10:30 – Configuration validation with test procedures (regex and programmable).
1:16:00 – Audit log, support bundle generation, clustering and update checks.

If you’re ready to operationalize and scale the delivering of your Kubernetes application to enterprise customers, sign-up with Replicated for a free 30-day trial.

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