Platform overview | Replicated
The Replicated Platform:

Purpose-Built to Scale Your
Self-Hosted Deployments

Replicated helps you deploy to every type of customer in every type of environment. Seamlessly scale the distribution of your self-hosted software.

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Replicated Value

Replicated brings everything you need to efficiently handle the toughest requirements around delivering your app to your customers. Our platform is designed around the needs of your organization to help simplify complex tasks. Don’t try to build all these capabilities yourself! Instead reduce your effort and cost with a trusted solution.

Every Replicated feature is purpose-built to help you optimize and scale to hundreds or thousands of self-hosted customers.

For when you're getting ready to release your application...

Replicated functionality embedded into your Helm chart application.
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Vendor Portal
A portal for you to use to manage customers, releases, channels, licenses, and more.
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Compatibility Matrix
On-demand, customer-representative Kubernetes environments for testing.
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Coming Soon!
AI Helm Tooling

To when your customers are ready to install...

Download Portal
GUI for your customer to download your application assets.
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Admin Console
GUI for your customers to install, configure, manage, and upgrade their application instance.
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Install Option
Helm Installs
Helm installation with additional Replicated functionality.
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Install Option
GUI based install into an existing Kubernetes cluster.
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Install Option
Embedded Cluster
Single binary for your application and a Kubernetes cluster.
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Proxy Registry
Proxy access to your app’s private images.
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To when you need to get insights into your customers’ deployments...

Support Bundles
Troubleshooting data from your customers’ environments.
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Telemetry and Reporting
Turnkey telemetry on app status, release and upgrade adoption, air gap instance details, and more.
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In every environment.

air gap
bare metal
hybrid cloud
edge computing

Explore the Replicated Platform

See how Replicated supports every piece of the Software Distribution Lifecycle.

Ready to get started?

Contact us if you'd like a demo, or try out the product for free.