Replicated Monthly Release Highlights August 2024

Paige Calvert and Alex Parker
Aug 5, 2024

What’s New for Compatibility Matrix

AKS supports Kubernetes 1.30. Kubernetes 1.30 is now supported for the AKS distribution on Compatibility Matrix.

Estimate the cost of a requested Compatibility Matrix cluster before you run it. You can now calculate the expected credit usage cost of your configured cluster if you run it to the full TTL (time-to-live) that you’ve requested. In the CLI this info is available with the replicated cluster ls and replicated cluster create --dry-run commands. In the Vendor Portal, this info is available on the Create a cluster page.

What’s New for Embedded Cluster BETA

Revamped upgrade workflow for Embedded Cluster for ease of use and to prevent upgrade failures. To address challenges in the existing upgrade process for Embedded Cluster, we introduced a new upgrade workflow that ensures upgrades are processed correctly and successfully. This new upgrade flow also introduces other improvements, such as making it possible for users to sync their license and change the config in a single step rather than requiring a new version for every change, reducing noise on the Admin Console version history page. It is also now possible to make changes to release settings (like release notes and whether the release is required) after an end-user has fetched that release. Demo.

Set the Admin Console password during install with --admin-console-password. While it’s possible to use the --no-prompt flag during installation to set the Admin Console password to password, a new --admin-console-password flag lets end-users set their own Admin Console password programmatically. As part of this update, we’ve also changed the installation prompt wording to make it clear that the user is setting the Admin Console password rather than providing an existing password.

What’s New for the Vendor Portal  

Remove the use of [.inline] [.inline] to hide all Replicated traffic to end-users. In the time that we’ve supported a custom domain for [.inline][.inline], end-users still had to allowlist [.inline],[.inline] which was not customizable by vendors. This meant that vendors using the Replicated proxy service could not completely obscure [.inline][.inline] domains. In consolidating authentication processes under [.inline][.inline], we removed the visibility of Replicated-associated traffic to end-users.

Send a subset of custom metrics. Previously, vendors had to send all custom metrics every time they reported them; any omitted metrics would be removed from the instance reporting data in the Vendor Portal. Now, it’s possible to send new or updated data in a one-off request, allowing you to send a subset of custom metrics. Docs.

Upcoming license expiration added to Dashboard. We added an Upcoming license expiration section to the Vendor Portal Dashboard to surface licenses that are nearing their expiration. This will help you proactively manage licenses to ensure continuous service for your end-users.

Better integration of Embedded Cluster in the Vendor Portal. We made several Vendor Portal changes to better distinguish between the kURL and Embedded Cluster installers, and to close some other gaps. First, we updated the naming in the Install section of the channel card to Embedded K8s and included a dropdown to select kURL or Embedded Cluster installation instructions:

Next, we renamed Kubernetes Installers in the sidenav to kURL Installers to clarify that these installers are specific to kURL installations:

Lastly, we added a new Embedded Cluster logo:

View Embedded Cluster installation instructions for specific application versions. Embedded Cluster has long supported and documented installing particular versions of an application by adding the version label to the download URL. Now, the customer-specific installation instructions dialog in the Vendor Portal includes a dropdown that lets you choose which version to install. When you select a version in the dropdown, the Vendor Portal updates the first command in the dialog to append the corresponding version label to the download URL. Docs.

What’s New for Product Documentation

Embedded Cluster getting started tutorial. A new getting started tutorial walks you through adding an Embedded Cluster Config to a new release, then installing that release in a VM with Embedded Cluster. This provides an introductory procedure that you can follow to get familiar with packaging and installing a sample Helm chart with Embedded Cluster. See the tutorial.

Improved updating instructions, including a new topic on updating with Embedded Cluster.
The docs on how to perform updates are reorganized so that there is one topic per installation type (existing clusters, kURL, Embedded Cluster), rather than having a topic for each type of update (KOTS updates, app updates, kURL cluster updates). Because each installation method has unique upgrade instructions, the goal of this update was to make it easier for you to find all the relevant information about updating on a single page. Additionally, a new topic on performing updates with Embedded Cluster is also added. See the Updating section.

Added examples of using KOTS templates functions in the K8s SIG App resource. The docs on Adding Links to the Dashboard now include examples of using KOTS template functions to configure URLs in the Kubernetes SIG Application resource.