Replicated Monthly Release Highlights - December 2023

Replicated Monthly Release Highlights - December 2023

Kaylee McHugh
Dec 11, 2023

Wow - 2024 is almost here! It’s time for our final 2023 batch of exciting new capabilities available in the Replicated platform. Check out the recently shipped features and release highlights for December 2023 below.

What’s New for KOTS and the Replicated SDK

We now recommend that all Replicated customers include the SDK with their application, regardless of how their application is packaged or delivered. While the SDK started with the goal of bringing instance insights and other Replicated functionality to environments where KOTS isn’t installed, we’ve already begun expanding the scope and function of the SDK to include things like custom metrics that are useful regardless of installation method. If you have questions about integrating the SDK, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

KOTS integration with Chainguard to eliminate CVEs. The KOTS image is now built using Chainguard tooling, which guarantees that images are free of CVEs when they’re published. In addition to the KOTS image, we’re working to build other images like rqlite and MinIO with Chainguard to further reduce any security exposure.

What’s New for Compatibility Matrix

The Compatibility Matrix now supports multi-node kURL and K3s clusters. Vendors are now able to create multi-node kURL and K3s clusters in compatibility matrix to match their customers’ environments. An example command: replicated cluster create --distribution kurl --version f1f428e --nodes 3

Larger disks are now available for VM-based clusters. We've increased the hardware available and can now support much larger disks (up to 7 TB per node). Shoot us an email if you need your quote increased. 

What’s New for Vendor Portal

Notifications are now available for custom metrics. Customers can now be notified when custom metrics change for an instance. These come near real time and in bulk if multiple metrics change at the same time.

A visualization is now available for custom metrics. Vendors can now see a graph of how each custom metric has changed for an instance over the last 30 days. This helps vendors understand the trend of their custom metrics over time and see how successful their customers are with their product.

We’ve made improvements to customer data exports. We've heard from customers that they want instance data in the hands of their analysts so that they can combine it with other data, like from CRMs, and build custom analyses and reporting. We are introducing three ways to do that now: CSV, an Instance Export Endpoint, and Bulk Events Export. 

We’ve enhanced search queries when switching between the Hybrid, Customers, and Instances tabs. Previously, search queries on the Customers page were specific to each tab. Now this filtered view extends across all three tabs (Hybrid, Customers, and Instances) so vendors can maintain context as they search across data sets.

What’s New for kURL & the Embedded Cluster

EOL for certain kURL add-ons. In April 2023, we sent communication about the deprecation and eventual end-of-life (EOL) of several kURL add-ons: Docker, Weave, Antrea, and Longhorn. At this point, all of these add-ons have passed their EOL dates and are no longer supported by Replicated. Please update your Kubernetes installer(s) to only use supported add-ons in order to continue receiving support for customer installations running EOL add-ons. Supported add-ons will also be required to migrate to the upcoming v2 of our embedded cluster. For more information, check out part 1 and part 2 of a preview of embedded cluster v2 from our last RepliCon conference.

What’s New for Product Documentation

Our docs now include new and improved KOTS port forwarding content. Now, we have three complete topics to explain all of the tasks related to this feature, including:

Want to learn more about what Replicated does to help vendors distribute software to self-hosted environments? We would love to show you -- click here to schedule a demo.