Replicated Monthly Release Highlights January 2025

Alex Parker and Paige Calvert
Jan 9, 2025

What’s New for Compatibility Matrix

Retrieve remaining Compatibility Matrix credit balance with the API. Vendors need a sufficient amount of credits to be able to spin up clusters. Previously, the remaining credit balance was only discoverable in the Vendor Portal. Now, vendors can retrieve this information programmatically as well using the Vendor API [.inline]/v3/cluster/stats[.inline] endpoint. Docs

Added support for Kind 1.32. Vendors can use Compatibility Matrix to test their releases for compatibility with the recent release of upstream Kubernetes 1.32 on Kind clusters.

Compatibility Matrix Tunnels is GA. The Compatibility Matrix tunnels feature has been promoted from Beta to Generally Available (GA). The tunnels feature allows vendors to tunnel traffic into a NodePort service for VM-based clusters. Docs.

What’s New for the Vendor Portal  

Set initial values for built-in customer fields in the Vendor Portal (Beta). Vendors can now specify initial values to populate the built-in license fields that appear in the Vendor Portal Create Customer form (such as the license type and assigned channel). This ensures that each new customer created from the Vendor Portal UI starts with the same set of built-in license field values. Docs.

Descriptive support bundle download names. Support bundles downloaded from the Vendor Portal have descriptive names based on relevant information extracted from the bundle, such as the customer name and the date.

Improved CLI performance for inspecting a customer. The Replicated CLI command [.inline]replicated customer inspect <customer_id>[.inline] is significantly faster, returning customer details in less than two seconds.

Annotate Kubernetes manifests with [.inline][.inline] to enable Helm installations for a release. The Vendor Portal evaluates each release to determine if it is Helm-installable. Previously, any manifest other than Replicated custom resources outside of a Helm chart prevented a release from being installed with Helm. Vendors can now annotate any Kubernetes manifests in their releases with [.inline][.inline] to exclude those manifests when determining if the release can be installed with Helm. Docs.

Support “paid” as the license type when creating customers with the API. The Vendor API /v3/createcustomer endpoint now accepts [.inline]paid[.inline] or [.inline]prod[.inline] for the license type.

What’s New for Product Documentation

Updated sidebar for improved find-ability. The sidebar on the docs site is reorganized with each of the main Replicated Platform features (including Embedded Cluster, Vendor Portal, Compatibility Matrix, and so on) a top-level item, making it easier for users to find the information they need with fewer clicks.

Added steps on port forwarding the SDK API service. Steps on Port Forwarding the SDK API Service are now available in the Developing Against the SDK API topic.

Added required firewall openings for online Helm installations. The Installing with Helm page now lists which domains need to be whitelisted for online (internet-connected) Helm installations.