Replicated Monthly Release Highlights October 2024

Alex Parker and Paige Calvert
Oct 2, 2024

What’s New for Compatibility Matrix

Create a cluster with the Kubernetes distribution and version pre-selected with data from a support bundle. Vendors can now click Create Cluster from a specific support bundle page. This will automatically pass through the right distribution and version to the cluster based on the information in the given support bundle, reducing the number of clicks needed to create a customer-representative cluster. Demo.

Support for adding multiple nodes when creating an Embedded Cluster (Alpha). Vendors can now use Compatibility Matrix to create a multi-node Replicated Embedded Cluster cluster.

Create WS and WSS tunnels on the Edit Cluster page. We recently added WS and WSS protocol support to the Compatibility Matrix tunnels Beta feature when using the Replicated CLI. Now, a user editing a cluster in the Vendor Portal can also enable these protocols using the GUI. 

Purchase more than $500 in Compatibility Matrix credits in one transaction. Vendors can now purchase $500, $1000, or $2000 of credits in a single credit card transaction.

Improved documentation for the [.inline] –nodegroup [.inline] flag. We improved the documentation for the [.inline]–nodegroup[.inline] flag in both the CLI help menu and the product docs to clarify the argument requirements for the flag. Docs.

Support for Kubernetes 1.31 on k3s, OKE versions 1.29.1 and 1.30.1, and new instance types on EKS. Compatibility Matrix now supports Kubernetes 1.31 on k3s clusters and Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) versions 1.29.1 and 1.30.1. We also extended our supported EKS instance types to include c5.4xlarge, m5.4xlarge, and m5.8xlarge. Docs.

What’s New for Embedded Cluster

Choose ports to be used for the Admin Console and LAM. With Embedded Cluster 1.14.0 and later, users can specify the ports that are used by the Admin Console and the Local Artifact Mirror (LAM) with the install command’s [.inline]--admin-console-port[.inline] and [.inline]--local-artifact-mirror-port[.inline] flags. This allows users to change the ports for these services, which is useful if there is already a service bound to the default ports (30000 and 50000, respectively). Docs.

Select a network interface during install. By default, k0s chooses the first valid, non-local network interface to bind to for the Kubernetes API. With Embedded Cluster 1.14.1 and later, users can select a different network interface by passing that interface with the [.inline]--network-interface[.inline] flag to the [.inline]install[.inline] and [.inline]join[.inline] commands. This is especially useful for multi-node clusters where users want node communication to happen on a particular network.

Install behind a MITM proxy that presents its own certificates. In support of installing into enterprise environments with MITM proxies that intercept and inspect traffic, the [.inline]install[.inline] command for Embedded Cluster 1.13.0 and later supports a [.inline]--private-ca[.inline] flag that allows users to pass the CA certificate used by the MITM proxy. This ensures that the private certificate authority is trusted by the installation. We also released similar features for KOTS and the Replicated SDK to support installations for MITM proxies, which are described below.

Added file system performance host preflight check. A new file system performance host preflight check released with Embedded Cluster 1.13.1  ensures that the disk’s write latency is sufficient for etcd.

Fixes to install and upgrade experience. In Embedded Cluster 1.13.0 and later, any proxy configurations passed during install are no longer removed on upgrade. And, in 1.13.1 and later, upgrades no longer fail if the version label contains special characters.

What’s New for KOTS 

Provide annotations and labels to apply to the KOTS Pods. In KOTS 1.116.0 and later, users can apply additional annotations and labels to all KOTS Pods (such as kotsadm and rqlite) using the  [.inline]--additional-annotations[.inline] and [.inline]--additional-labels[.inline] flags. This makes it easier to install in opinionated enterprise environments, such as those that might require certain annotations or labels on all Pods deployed in the cluster.

Install behind a MITM proxy that presents its own certificates. Similar to the new Embedded Cluster feature for installing behind a MITM proxy described above, in KOTS 1.117.0 and later the [.inline]kots install[.inline] command provides a [.inline]--private-ca-configmap[.inline] flag that identifies a ConfigMap containing CA certificate(s) to trust. Additionally, if a vendor’s application makes internet requests and also needs to trust the CA(s), vendors can use the new PrivateCACert template function to mount the ConfigMap in their own containers.

What’s New for kURL

Support for Amazon Linux 2023, Ubuntu 24, and CentOS 9 Stream. kURL v2024.08.26-0 added support for the CentOS 9 Stream operating system. Additionally, kURL v2024.09.06-0 added support for both the Amazon Linux 2023 and Ubuntu 24.04 operating systems.

Support for Kubernetes 1.31. kURL v2024.08.26-0 added support for the latest Kubernetes version 1.31.

What’s New for the Replicated SDK

Use the SDK behind a MITM proxy without additional configuration. Related to the new KOTS and Embedded Cluster features for installing behind a MITM proxy described above, the SDK 1.0.0-beta.28 and later automatically trusts any CA certificates provided by the end user during installation with KOTS 1.117.3 or later or Embedded Cluster 1.14.0 or later.

What’s New for the Vendor Portal  

Build much larger air gap bundles. We updated the air gap builder so it can now build air gap bundles up to 5 TB in size.

Create your own password for the Customer Portal. Vendors now have the option to create and set their own customer-specific passwords for the Customer Portal. As part of this update, generated passwords for the Customer Portal are now 16-characters in length.

What’s New for Product Documentation

Added guidance on using custom RBAC policies for CI workflows. The CI docs are updated to call out how vendors can create RBAC policies that block access to production channels for use with testing releases in CI workflows. While this information about RBAC policies existed, it wasn’t the easiest to find in the context of integrated Replicated into CI/CD pipelines.

Improvements to the Embedded Cluster installation docs. Users can now find more complete docs on how to install with Embedded Cluster in online and air gap environments alongside the other KOTS installation docs. Additionally, the Embedded Cluster install requirements are also added to the main KOTS/kURL installation requirements topic. 

Added Embedded Cluster install and update diagrams. The Embedded Cluster docs now include two new diagrams: an installation diagram and an updating diagram. These give vendors a visual way to understand the processes of installing and updating with Embedded Cluster, including how users get the installation assets for Embedded Cluster and how the KOTS Admin Console is installed in the cluster and is used for managing app workloads and performing updates. 

Added a new topic on generating Embedded Cluster host support bundles. A new topic on generating host support bundles for Embedded Cluster explains how to use the default support bundle spec for Embedded Cluster to collect host-level information.