Replicated Monthly Release Highlights September 2024

Alex Parker and Paige Calvert
Sep 4, 2024

What’s New for Compatibility Matrix

Support for Kubernetes 1.31 on kind. Compatibility Matrix now supports Kubernetes 1.31 on kind clusters.

Tab autocomplete active cluster IDs and cluster names. Vendors interacting with active clusters through the Replicated CLI can now autocomplete the IDs or names of the clusters to reduce the amount of typing required. Demo.

Vendor API v3 cluster-usage endpoint includes new channel_id, channel_sequence, and version_label filters. Vendors can now filter a list of customer-representative instances by the channel ID, channel sequence, and version label. For vendors that are building a compatibility testing matrix using the replicated api get command to return information from the cluster-usage endpoint, these new filters make it easier to focus tests on only those customers currently assigned to a given channel or on a given release version.

What’s New for Embedded Cluster BETA

Embedded Cluster runs host preflight checks before installation. As part of installation, Embedded Cluster automatically runs a default set of host preflight checks that are designed to verify that the installation environment meets the requirements for Embedded Cluster, and to provide clear failure messages to users. Some examples of Embedded Cluster host preflights include checking connectivity to needed endpoints and ensuring sufficient disk space and resources. Docs.

Default range available for NodePorts is now 80-32767. Embedded Cluster expanded the default range available for NodePorts from 30000-32767 to 80-32767. Because this wider range is often necessary for use with resources like an ingress controller, adding it as the default means that vendors do not need to use the [.inline]unsupportedOverrides[.inline] field of the Embedded Cluster Config to configure the range themselves. Changes to this range are not applied on upgrades, so existing installations will not be affected.

Embedded Cluster images are built with Chainguard for improved security and CVE resolution. In Embedded Cluster 1.9.0 and later, the majority of the images used for Embedded Cluster (for example, OpenEBS, Velero, and the Embedded Cluster images) are now built with Chainguard’s tooling. This improves our security posture and helps us resolve CVEs.

Embedded Cluster only needs access to [.inline][.inline] and [.inline][.inline] endpoints. In Embedded Cluster 1.9.0 and later, the only needed endpoints are the Replicated app service ([.inline][.inline]) and the Replicated proxy service ([.inline][.inline]), reducing the total number of endpoints that end users must allowlist.

What’s New for KOTS

Support for dropdowns in the KOTS Config. In KOTS 1.114.0 and later (Embedded Cluster 1.11.0 and later), a new dropdown item type is supported in the KOTS Config custom resource. This allows vendors to display long lists of options in a [.inline]dropdown[.inline] on the Admin Console config screen, rather than needing to use radio buttons. In addition, the [.inline]select_one[.inline] item type is deprecated in favor of a new [.inline]radio[.inline] type, which is functionally equivalent to [.inline]select_one[.inline] but more descriptively named. Docs.

What’s New for the Vendor Portal  

Configure custom domains with fewer manual steps. It is now easier to configure custom domains in the Vendor Portal because it is no longer necessary for vendors to create multiple TXT records for each custom domain in order to validate ownership and complete its configuration. Instead, the domain verification process now happens automatically. Docs

What’s New for Troubleshoot

New etcd collector. In Troubleshoot v0.99.0 and later, a new collector gathers information about etcd to help users determine the root cause of the problem. This allows vendors to include etcd information in support bundles, reducing back and forth and leading to faster issue identification and resolution. Docs.

What’s New for Product Documentation

Added docs on how to find customer-specific installation instructions. The installation commands for Embedded Cluster and Helm are both specific to the target customer. To help vendors find these customer-specific commands, the docs on Finding Installation Commands for a Release are updated to include information about how to get installation commands from the channel card and from the customer’s page in the Vendor Portal.