Stackable is an open-source platform that helps companies manage large amounts of data. It can be used to create data warehouses, data lakehouses, event streaming, machine learning, and data meshes. Stackable’s platform is Kubernetes native, and can be used both on-prem or in the cloud.
For Stackable’s on-premises product, they understand how important it is for their customers to have smooth installation and upgrade experiences. With customers on many different distributions - like OpenShift, AWS, GKE, and more - they decided to invest in building a tool that would help them to test their application against the different distributions. This way, they could be certain that what they shipped to their customers could be successfully installed regardless of Kubernetes version or distribution type.
However, Stackable quickly found it difficult to keep up with the constant changes in each distribution. For example, when AWS released a new version of their managed Kubernetes, they removed a storage class and it completely broke Stackable’s testing system. “We need to consistently run those tests against as many Kubernetes flavors or variants as we can find to make sure we catch those things before our customers catch them,” says Sönke Liebau, Co-Founder and CPO. Although their homegrown solution was becoming too much to manage, both financially and in development hours, it wasn’t an option to eliminate testing their application across different software distributions.
They began their search for another solution, and discovered Replicated’s Compatibility Matrix.
“[Our homegrown solution] worked for us, but it was difficult to upkeep… whenever we wanted to add a new provider there was a significant amount of work to write Terraform scripts that worked and integrate that with our stuff. Compatibility Matrix just makes that much nicer for us.”
Sönke Liebau,
CPO and Co-founder